its ok but this ass docter b4 me wat a cockhead i mean get a life m8 u must have spent half an hour doin taht review and maybe u r jelous that u r shit at flash and this guys good and mean u go on about him whinin u need to stfu ur borin
Finally a tribute Steve would be proud of: Dangerously Gutsy, just as he lived.
Not like those other whimpy slideshow tributes.
*NEW* - Now with new & improved Crikey! bubbles
its ok but this ass docter b4 me wat a cockhead i mean get a life m8 u must have spent half an hour doin taht review and maybe u r jelous that u r shit at flash and this guys good and mean u go on about him whinin u need to stfu ur borin
Dude.... Ur a Fucking ass...
Watch it mate.
Totally crap
When i see the name i think well another homage movie for Steeve Irwin ! But this is .... you just can make it ! Ok laughing of the death of Hitler or something else OK ! But not a man who do nothing bad ! This is just weird and really stupid !
that cold, man!
that not right man! say what you will bout me
but this is some cold sh@t boy- yo.
(sigh) and i though people could not get no darker,
guess i'am was wrong.
thats sick
you are unforgiveable