i just found this submission after a year, and this is a review ater ayear... lol. well, thats some nice 3d flash thing you made... it very cool! how'd you do that?
Achtung! Low quality is strongly reccommended, unless you've got a kick-ass computer. It's 20 FPS and turns to shite if you try to watch it in high or medium quality.
This time, I submit to you a new type of Flash that is completely unheard of - motion capture. Yes, I took a video of a bunch of 3-D shapes and then traced over all the lines in Flash. But before you give me a 0 for not trying, I'll have you know that tracing over 9,750 lines is hella hard. And before you criticise me for having no colour, also keep in mind that it's supposed to be black and white :)
In conclusion, give this a 5 or I'll feed you to the wolves.
Here's some keywords to make this Flash show up in searches, you don't have to read it:
Flameviper 3-D Motion Capture Shape Snape
i just found this submission after a year, and this is a review ater ayear... lol. well, thats some nice 3d flash thing you made... it very cool! how'd you do that?
Tracing over an IRL video with the Line tool and deleting the original footage. Took long as hell.
(( Neat idea ))
Not a bad idea, the animation was slightly choppy, but it was nice and was very realistic like if you really were in a real house or room, you should add some color though, anyways nice job.
Add some color.
A very 3d visual of a room or a house.
Holy shit. that was awesome!! How did you do that?? Thea was fucking awesome. I definetly reccommend it
I made it by taking a vieo of me walking through my house, imported it into Flash, and traced the lines on another layer. Of course, I deleted the original video.
cool one
that was a pretty cool animation. nice FBF style to it, good drawings and sketches, cool audio and it was fun to watch. your efforts were very nice in this one as well.... made it all the more better to watch.
Thanks, Kwastikck (hope I got your name right)! I enjoyed making it...If you really liked it, submit it to collection Experimental, that's where all the cool stuff is.
I think this style has a lot of potential. maybe if you just add some sort of plot or storyline, im sure it would be much better
Yeah... I'm sorry about the utter lack of purpose. It was mostly an experiment, and then I thought, what the hell, and so I submitted it.