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Chronilces of Zero - ep.1

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Just to sum up the concept of my animation, there are good guys and bad guys searching for one guy that has the ability to either save Neo Arcadia from total destruction or turn Neo Arcadia in a wasteland. There are other suprises in store. However, could use some assistance by you. Vote for my animation and there will be more episodes to come and/or come aboard and make this a series to talk about in the newgrounds realm. In advance, I thank you for giving me the opportunity and enjoy.

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Nice job. It was a great start to what I'm sure will be an awesome series.

Also, I wanted to thank you for using my song. I never thought anyone would use it in a submission, let alone in such a short time after I submitted it. Rock on dude!

well, it was good....

it was good....but very short.i mean,its not badd, but its very short.next time please make it longer.longer.yeah,man.

trytan responds:

Thanks for the feedback.. I understande it's short and it was done on purpose (tried the Clone Wars effect). I will work on making it longer but not too long. It's like reading a comic book. Instead of reading the volume, you get the issue every month. Once again thanks.

not bad

..in fact its pretty good. its a little on the short side tho. if u can extend the episodes a bit it might be a good series. also show a little violence. it wouldve been kool to see those guys get slaughtered XD. overall very good. keep it up.

trytan responds:

THanks for watching first off. Secondly, that was done on purpose. Although you couldn't see it, you can imagine what's happening. I will work on it the next episode.

Uhh, dude?

Wow, that has to be the most ripped off copy of absolutly nothing I've ever seen. o.o; I mean really, did you design the little preloader? And even then so, it was the only original thing there. Everything else you stole from the games. Can't say much on this one...

trytan responds:

Thanks for watching.


this deserves a sequel, but there was a time when the characters just slid across the screen. you should try to get voices and make it longer if you do make a sequel.

trytan responds:

I'm working on getting a mic as we speak. Thank you for watching. I'm sorta new to this and i'm working on doing better to entertain you guys.

Credits & Info

4.06 / 5.00

Nov 2, 2006
12:30 PM EST