Well, it's very random and people like that kind of stuff. I guess I can see how this passed, but idk, overall, I say it's average.
Episode 1
Simon (#1) Perry (#3) & Paul (#2) find themselves to have just won the olympics of all crazy things!
It's a loop btw so don't watch for ages -.-
EDIT: Fixed a bug in it where Simon had a transparent body, sorry guys although i'm sure none of you really read this.
Well, it's very random and people like that kind of stuff. I guess I can see how this passed, but idk, overall, I say it's average.
^^Good Points^^
The drawings were decent. Well, they were all right, I suppose. I guess the shading made this look half decent. The music was at least high quality too.
^^Needs Improving^^
I'm really surprised this even got this score, considering it is just a loop that last for about two seconds. It really isn't that funny either. Some guy swinging and a bunch of other guys just happy they won the Olympics... what?
Not everything has to have a point to it, this didn't.
Many people like just random peices of stuff they can wonder at and try and figure out what's going on, so i made one for those people.