I miss those days.
My first flash, vote!!
I miss those days.
Very good
Well done, but for your next submission you can put a little bit more effort into it and make it longer.
Nothing really bad about that submission just not very amasing
great for first flash!
wtg m8 thats good for ur first flash with bit more practic maybe u can elabirate on that and add speech and a story line other wise great short move u got my thubs up!
SWEATNESS!!! That was well animatied. Keep up the good work!!!
there are some guys who are making a collab to a song called: Eagle Fly free by Helloween. I don't know if your interested but i'm sure they would be happy to have you on their team. they should be on the NG forums under "flash" Helloween collab or something like that. I'm saing this because this is an awsome flash and i would like to see it be in a longer flash. great job