There's cum on my keyboard now
Damn you BobbyClock.
This is a movie that you watch and vote five on.
Added the pre-loader. Sorry about that.
There's cum on my keyboard now
Damn you BobbyClock.
a rather random clock animation and the ending was a little unnecessary, but i do give you good credit for drawing everything yourself and not using other clocks.
^^Good Points^^
Hah, the law in clocktopia is so strange, but I absolutely love it! It was pretty funny how bobby clock just kept shooting everyone immediately after they "broke" the law.
^^Needs Improving^^
The screamer at the end was completely useless, though I'll admit it definitely served its purpose, I had no idea it was coming. You could have ended this in a civil manner that was much more interesting than this.
Well thank you sir. It's hard work enforcing the law, my law, of Clocktopia upon the people, and sometimes extreme measures need to be taken to make sure a point is made.
I admit the end was lazy, but then again, so was the movie. By the end, I really didn't have the energy to add an extra 10 or so seconds for a more 'proper' ending.
Thanks for the review =)
not bad
Not to bad, it was acid-like, so not to bad, and the end was CrAzY
The end was a must once I remembered I had that picture =P
Thanks for the review.
Screaming Vagina.
The only part that I liked was the end, which was enough to prompt me to vote 3.
=P Thx