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Epic Battles

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Flash Player 8 require and a Fast Computer
This Is a Trailer to my up coming Epic Battles Series

Note: If Audio Ends before Flash movie lower the resolution. Thank You.

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realy good muic

ive been waiting for ever please finish epic battles


that was good, always liked megaman and his series, can't wait to see it.

p.s. nice job with the vid, great graphics and presentation and the music fit in really well.

from what i have seen on the front page...

ive noticed that in the few years ive been veiwing that only a good few mega-man series have made it on too the front page. try to manuvuer around your comfort zone when picking a style or trend for your flicks or games

looks good

This Epic Battles looks swell I am looking forward to it nice graphics too.

it was good.

it was good, and well drawn, but it wasnt long, and actually it was a preview not a movie.however it was very good, and i hope it gets a good score.however, you must fix the problem with the sound and make it last longer, even when that is on the high quality.however, its good.yeah.

Credits & Info

4.33 / 5.00

Dec 1, 2006
8:46 PM EST