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Well, I got good news and bad news; The good stuff is that I got the audio COMPLETELY fixed! If it sounds crappy, get some new speakers. Also, it has frame-by-frame goodness in it! Now I know some of you hate pokemon with a vengeance, but c'mon! We ALL grew up off it. Or something worse,(cough(power rangers)).
Unfortunately, now here comes the bad news, this will be my last animation for quite some time. I'm going up to Calgary Canada to serve an LDS mission, so I won't be able to submit new stuff any time soon. Well, I guess it's more bad for you guys than it is for me. I've always wanted a Canadian Mounty hat! And a moose. Maybe a ninja moose. I don't know, do they have ninjas in Canada?
Either way, thank you guys for your support! And for you animators; don't sacrafice quality for quantity! Don't rip off your audience by making them sit through a loading screen to witness some stick people bobbing up and down to the Oompa Loompa song! Seisure Later!

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good flash i would buy that game im gonna download this movie

That right fight the power break the status quo

I am very proud of the Flash. It is one of the few Flashes that broke the status quo of hating Pokemon.

Quite cool.

Hey, that's a cool idea. I bet if you teamed up with Neo Pikachu and did some Pikachu flash, I bet you would do some pretty kick ass flashes involving Pikachu. This would also make some pretty good stuf for the All Fads Die crew as well. As for me, if you want to talk things over in NG's Pokemon club, I bet you can hear some good advise and stuff. Why not drop by Tanooki John's pro-pokemon club? We welcome guests.

nice one

that was a pretty good pokemon parody. i'm no fan of pokemon, but i always like watching these kinds of animations... very entertaining. the graphics in this one were nice, good audio, and it was a lot of fun to watch.

Weak point: Cheezy ending.

This has to be, if not the best, ONE of the best Pokemon related flash movies I've ever seen. Since most of the other Pokemon flashes are showered with poorly-drawn blood and gore. The only problem here is that it was too short, and the ending didn't make alot of sense. But still, it's a great flash, and I really liked how you animated Pikachu. Rock on.

Credits & Info

4.42 / 5.00

Dec 19, 2006
9:55 PM EST