The artwork and animation is overall pretty messy. Clean things up a bit and put more time into it and I think you could be a lot bettter. Oh, and you really need to improve your blood.
various clips of my flesh animation.
included some scenes for the an upcoming episode of "Echo Dreams 2"
The artwork and animation is overall pretty messy. Clean things up a bit and put more time into it and I think you could be a lot bettter. Oh, and you really need to improve your blood.
Wow man I seriously have to admit, your good, very good at what you do. I checked out your site and youve got a nice little web comic that has very much more sphisticated art then most of the web comics i read lol.
Of course noir and seriousness is not my thing I did want to say, I really do like your style, very profesinol and original. Keep up the good work man.
Great intro!
I like the choice of music and it seems it will be an exciting story.I will look forward to it!
It was great!
very good details and animations, the art was turiffic and the sound was swell! i loved it lot's!
i'm looking forward into seeing more of your work.
Great animation
how did you do that 3-D thing!? that was awsome. Did it take you long? if it didn't you should make a 3-D movie!? that would be cool. yeah also did you really Copywrite that? cuz that would be kinda wierd. it would be like the second flash that was copywrited. any great job. looking forward to a full length 3-D movie from you.
thanks! i did make a flash 3D movie it's called "echo dreams", it on newgrounds. it's one of the movies that is recommended for the "serious shorts" section. i'm currently making the next installment for it. any created art is immediately copyrighted to that artist, it's just a formality telling people not to steal it.