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The Fresh Life of Mr.Piff

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The origin of this is a doodle I made with a friend in school and was so funny I had to make a movie about it.

I know its hard to understand the first two guys speaking so shut up about it.

"In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins

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OTTO ROCKET, FUCK YEAH!!!!! also love the micheal jackson mario dude in the credots!!

That rules!

that was awsome man, so funny. loved the part where the guy shitted his ass off and a pixie came out!
And ps3 does suck.


You know.... i actually laughed at a bunch of scenes! this animation was good enough to make me laugh so yay! although the guy pooping looks like a dinosaur... hahah but good job... funny !

LOL Loved it

Aww another funny one as always, i have come to enjoy most of your flashworks, i really like this one because you used lots of colors in the characters and backrounds, and the humor is good, so nice work on all your stuff, keep up the good work.


bad but good but bad but good

There were a lot of parts of that that were funny as hell. I loved those stupid pictures that they were walking by and the little dancing mouse. Other than that there was veryh little actual story which I believe this could actually be kind of funny from what I have seen here.

Graphics: 6 Some parts were pretty nice but most parts were pretty rough.

Style: 8 Like I said it was a funny movie and that is just about all I can say about that.

Sound: 7 You had some pretty good voice acting in there plus the addition of Microsoft Sam, while to me it is pretty annoying, is always classy and sure to get you a few extra sound points.

Violence: 3 I think that I went really low on this seeing as how you blew the guys ass off and blew up a building.

Interactivity: 0 You have to remember that I am grading you and your movie not the Newgrounds preloader. You personally didn't add any actionscript or anything that was even remotely interactive so I didn't feel that score should have been any higher.

Humor: 6 It was funny. I am not going to go into all the different times that it made me laugh but I am just going to say, as a single blanket statement, that it was a funny movie.

Overall: 7 You make funny stuff and if you get a little bit better with flash you could make some amazing stuff. Keep going with it.

Credits & Info

4.45 / 5.00

Feb 25, 2007
12:29 AM EST