great animation,how long did it take you to make?
600+ frames, 60 seconds of pure FBF.
great animation,how long did it take you to make?
That was cool
Hey that was pretty cool, the random doodling made you wonder what came next. Ithought the drawing were good too.
Great work!
the ending was abrupt tho.
Yeah, it might be kinda abrupt, but fore starters, I ran out of inspiration, and second, ir might get boring after a set amount of time
FBF is a really great place to start
I started animation by doing fbf, because its a great way to get the movement of objects and other stuff like that. This was an alright animation, it will probably pass with about a 1.92 score, and I hope it does, I liked it. gave it a five. Check out my "colors" animation, or "wall", or "greymation", they're all fbf as well, you might enjoy them.
btw, what frame rate did you set it at?
I set it at 14 fps, slower made it look really bad, faster made it look... retarded. I'll check them out.
Not too shabby
I thought it was pretty good. The music didn't fit it all that well IMO. Keep up the good work!
Well, I tried something more techno and such, but I'll look somem more in the audio portal for my next submissions.
Not bad
I rather liked it ^_^