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The Blink Speedometer

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Come one, come all, see the amazing Blink Speedometer!

using the advanced powers of AS3, the BS can map the hills and valleys of your eyes and rate how fast your eyelids shut, hilarious fun at parties!

Have fun!

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cool one

that was an interesting game.... quite unique to say the least, i don't think that i've ever since any quite like this one. it had a very unique and original concept to it, nice graphics, cool audio from the audio portal and it served as a pretty nice killer of time.

oh so so funny

im not so silly or gullable but i know people who are and im gonna get em with this also i cheated my mouse is a roller one not optical but im gonna nab it of the other comp... hahahahaha im gonna have fun


Aww, I fell for this cause I'm an idiot.

Graphics:5-So, so...
Style:7- Never seen another game like it.
Sound:5-It was there but I wasnt listening. Meh, I'll give ya a 5.
Interactivity:10-Red light... Red light...
Humour:10-So, so funny.

1: Better visuals, there wasnt much to look at.
2: If I go blind, I'm coming after you with a sledgehammer.

Well, that pretty much sums it up, funny as hell.

Just swell =)

I didn't fall for this one because well it's obvious the mouse can't do that and even though AS3 is better it's still limited so I just thought "oh come on" but the thought of some kid holding a laser mouse to his eye for 15 seconds and not being able to see for like a minute afterwards just made me laugh so much that I had to five it. Good work XD.


...looks like i fail at life lol. Funny stuff, keep it up buddy.

Credits & Info

1.68 / 5.00

May 22, 2007
6:54 AM EDT