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Metal Slug:Taking Hill 65

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I changed the text color for different characters, and took out that annyoying machine gun sound effect in between dialogues.

My first submission in a few months so I hope u like it.

*****SPECIAL THANKS*********
To the metal slug database for all the sprites, Especially "Metalhead" and "The Protagonist"

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Need music

It was a fairly decent flash just a few things need fixing.... that stupid machine gun noise was a pain in the ass. Instead u should get a battle score or something and the text boxes could do with different color writing for each character. Apart from that i thought it was a gud flash and i look forward to seeing more off it

gimme music!

it was an ok flash. it would have been better to be more concise in your wording to keep the action going, and to use different colored text for different people, instead of everyone talking in green. After fifteen seconds i turned my audio pretty much off, because that freaking machine gun sound was driving me nuts. a battle score would help you out a lot. good job tho.

Pretty good

I like it. Luv the pyrotechnics. But, try to have better clarity of the sound next time, ok? But it was a good flash.:P

Great flash

Great flash but sound could be better quality, but its got great potential, make another please :)

pretty good...

since it was your first shot on making a flash it was pretty good so i protected it cuz i thought it was good!

Credits & Info

3.00 / 5.00

Jun 14, 2007
10:46 PM EDT