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Lunar Mission

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Lunar Mission

Play Game
The goal is to rescue the astronauts which are stranded on the lunar surface.
  • » Mild Violence

Author Comments

The goal is to rescue the astronauts which are stranded on the lunar surface. What lunar surface? Well, I exaggerated a little. Actually there platforms on the lunar surface...Yeah, that's it :) This was my first game written in flash. It may run a little slow on old systems. I'd like to rewrite it in AS3 since picking it up in the last few months. Enjoy!


- Spacebar to start the game/spaceport launch
- Arrow keys to maneuver lunar vessel
- Spacebar to fire weapon (only on return to spaceport)

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Well, this reminds me of the old style games for the nes and snes, but not in a good way. The graphics in this game were subpar, and didint fit in with the rest of the game. How could the asteroids be a circle, and then the asternauts be huge? Another complaint I have is that you die way to easily, I hit one thing and I exploud, even if it isnt the rocks. What about levels, that arent so hard? Anyway this is an average game with no replay value.

simplistic but still okay

The game is awfully simplistic, but it's still a fun few moments. The retro style is an interesting touch, kinda appealing.

Good game but...

It was good and well made, but it wasnt anything new or terribly original.

Very very good

The graphics were really nice, especially the explosions and what not. There should be something when you fall down to shoot at the asteriods, like dropping a bomb or something. Nice controls, too.
And the music was a nice selection too. This game Lunar mission is really good. Hope to see your future games!

Credits & Info

3.44 / 5.00

Jul 7, 2007
12:25 AM EDT