these people are cool. keep submitting dailytoons, guys!
Now that 325 was unflagged we can get back on track with Dailytoons. Today's dailytoon is solely made of newcomers. Wish 'em luck.
these people are cool. keep submitting dailytoons, guys!
why do you bother?
I laughed a bit when the garbage cannon did "9999" damage to the Earth. I approve of that toon/author, for submitting something that at least some people could find entertaining.
Otherwise, dailytoons reminds me very much of a garbage cannon.
And of course I'm going to catch flak from plenty of you masochistic boneheads for it. "Make your own flash!" You (most of all HUNDRED AND SOME of "you") totally miss the point, just like you've missed the point of flash animation.
ah, so according to what's popular on this website, the point of flash animation is solely to please a bunch of videogame, anime, and violence loving teenage faggots who haven't got the slightest clue as to how much work goes into a flash animation.
and just because we don't conform to that, our work is garbage.
im lost and confused
get eaten
I hate star syndicate
You have no talent in animation, you make the most pointless movies on the earth!
you've never made a flash and yet you have the gall to tell us we have no talent?
haha..it plays twice,,whatever
soo yay ss for taking teh flash..
also do avoid confusion of what the thing is..http://therevird.jconserv.net/ will help solve that