How many days does Newgrounds make you? I was so fascinated by this series. I loved the first episode. Episode 1. I loved it, but this one surpasses it. 6 surpasses bulls.
Blockhead, Episode 10: Companions
Blockhead sets out on a quest of turtle-truth.
Longest episode yet, I think, and it's also a huge file. Sorry guys, haha. But thanks for waiting, Newgrounds, and enjoy Blockhead's first double-digit episode!
*Note: Thanks for all the reviews, guys - I've never gotten this many before so it's hard to keep up with them, but I promise I read every single one (except for the chainletters, har har).
How many days does Newgrounds make you? I was so fascinated by this series. I loved the first episode. Episode 1. I loved it, but this one surpasses it. 6 surpasses bulls.
this flash animation is flash animation is a forgotten gem a gem that i recognize this memory that i have when i saw it i laughed a lot this flash animation this flash animation i loved it this flash animation is pure gold this is cinema this is cinema this is cinema this is cinema this is cinema this is cinema this is cinema this is cinema this is cinema
i love this animation of just pure this animation is pure gold i love this animation this animation just for this animation is pure gold it's animation is pure gold this is a pure treasure this animation is pure gold it's animation is pure gold this animation is pure gold those images pure gold it's too dark let's be one just pure that animation of pure gold
How cool is cool animation
This particular episode lives rent free in my brain.
"Uhhh... Spare any change?"
"Nothing ever changes, Hobo!"