Wat up with da music?
Did u mean 4 it 2 b like that? o.0
I made this because.....I was bored and felt like making a flash! I uploaded this on NG because I wanted to see what you guys think. Special thanks to Maze Master for making such great music.
**EDIT** Oh...My....God.....it didn't get blammed!
Wat up with da music?
Did u mean 4 it 2 b like that? o.0
Could be worse...
You could have made it a bit longer, quicker and make it more understandable.
-3.462 Stars...if I could put that little...
I personally hated this movie, the sound quality was horrible, it was really slow and there was too many frames that were the same as the last.
it could be better.
make more movement and smoother animation.
it was alright, here's a few tips!
1st i think the tweens were way too slow and would lose the audiences attention very quickly, try increasing frame rate to make it faster 18 or 20 is good.
Secondly it didn't make any sense.
Third, you need alot more happening on screen, and the delays where nothing is going on, need to be much shorter. You also need to include alot more fbf(frame by frame) animation to make it interesting, like with the white thing, which i still don't know what the hell it was?
Lastly don't listen to the previous unconstructive reviews posted by the dickhead nerds on the site.
It sorta reminded me of Felix Massie's work, or the fan's of his, work.
Next time try harder, good luck!