Still a piece of art 6 years later
This is just a bunch of crappy cartoons I made during other things I was working on.
I'll have something GOOD in a month or two...
Still a piece of art 6 years later
12 yummy movies chock full of crappy goodness
Damn this is some pretty good shit. I'm also glad to see a little pube muppet in there Make another one with over 15 movies easter eggs and more shit. Oh look at me I'm just babbling again. Well Keep it up!
yes it is dumb crap
sloppy animation
bad drawing
and even the sound, which could have been it's redeeming feature wasn't funny
like you said yourself, it's dumb crap
Well, it's novel in ways.
I would totally blam this, except for pube muppet. "What kind of piece of shit establishment is this?". It needs to flow faster in the funny sequences, cut out all the generic man-on-trampoline etc. crap and you'll have a pretty decent movie.
I give it a 3.
More than the sum of it's parts
There were quite a lot of laughs wrapped up in this Flash. Nothing that stood out, but there were enough funny parts to make it really enjoyable. My personal fave - the two elves singing karaoke. Great job, hope to see more crap packs in the future.