50 - 50
It was pretty long considering this is your first submission, the only bit i didn't like about this was when the guy in the asian restaurant commited suicide (What's with that?), but it was ok.
This is a project for my creative media class. It is my first attempt at a long animation in flash, the audio sometimes goes a little quiet. The accents are also in Australian, which might seem strange. The animation is just a parody, not a political statement or criticism.
50 - 50
It was pretty long considering this is your first submission, the only bit i didn't like about this was when the guy in the asian restaurant commited suicide (What's with that?), but it was ok.
Professor Sloth, a scientist willing to work for the President, was playing "Russian Roulette" with another person, a game played only by the very couragous or the very stupid. The scene was to show that their leading scientist was reckless. See Robert Deniro's "Deer Hunter".
Decent, but...
Overall not bad. It seemed to drag on a little bit near the end though. Couple things you seemed to have wrong. Obviously, the Aussie accent, makes me guess that you yourself are from Australia. Bush is a moron through and through, he is alot dumber in reality than he seemed in the flash, but thats ok I suppose, since you can't know how horrid he really is unless you live here.
I'm also going to make the assumption that you don't live here based on the car scene. In the US, we drive on the right side of the road, not the left. The way you had the (vice president???), he was sitting on the right side of the car. With the exception of postal carrier vehichles, most every car in the US has the steering wheel on the left side of the car.
Hes are prezz get over it wouldent be so bad if you didnt make a bad flash but your idea came acroos it was bad ask your teacher for help you need it and o i hope you get an f on this you deserve it for bashing are prezz he was elected get over it!
I'll promise to get help from my teacher if you promise to get help from your 3rd grade English teacher.
I know most people don't care about Climate Change and this was a good way to made fun of it.
Ahhhh! Aussies have takin' over the USA!
Are you trying to say that Australians will lay claim to the oval office and then bicker over the climate change? If you are, then awesome, and if you're not, awesome as well. The Polar Bear scene was cute, and even though the howling fade seemed expected and lack luster, it was still overall a well made project.