this may just be a small feature, but it sure is great. Its best when you drag the mouse across slowly. 5!
Infinity Spout was a test I produced late 2007, succeding Infinity Drain. The code simply instatiates a symbol at the _xmouse & _ymouse locations, applying them a random _rotation increment...The result is a beautiful, warped effect.
This test, others, games and much more at:
If you liked, or disliked this interactive feature, voice this opinion at the ryan.cyberemail forum at:
http://ryan.cyberemail.or g/forum
The newgrounds pass is: ng339
this may just be a small feature, but it sure is great. Its best when you drag the mouse across slowly. 5!
Kind of uninteresting. Try making an actual game. It would be cool if you used this (or maybe your other one) in a spaceship game or something. But cool. >_<