what the...f
like your movie, i can only say, what the...s... i mean, yea, it s weird. but i found it cool. yea dude
Pastrami Sandwiches
the only reason i continue to do this is so if I run out of the names for collabs in the future i can just look at this convo
what the...f
like your movie, i can only say, what the...s... i mean, yea, it s weird. but i found it cool. yea dude
You are giving a bad name to the Clock Crew.
Come Now
A lot of the Clock Crew is posting many great flashes. Your not. Get with the program.
That was probably the sexiest introduction to a flash. Ever.
In fact, I was so enthralled by the scribbles, I dedicated my life to coloring people.
very bad
Everything was bad. You guys have a lot of talent, but you squandered it on really senseless flash. It wasn't even funny or entertaining.