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Intertwined Worlds

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Author Comments

Not the full episode. Just a preview of what to come.

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Well, not bad.

You used the sprites well, however, the style of the dialogue box seemed out of place. That's not too bad, but changing it may make it "easier to look at".

What you have of the storyline so far is actually not bad. I'm not a huge fan of sonic, but you only need basic Sonic knowledge to understand it. So, that's good. Should the rest of it be posted, I'll be watching it.

The text and dialogue boxes, like I said, should be changed, but apart from that it's good. 3/5 and 6/10. Keep it up!

Good job.

I gave ya a 0 out of 5, but thats because the movie isn't finished. But good job nonetheless. Please be sure to finish it, and i'll give you a better score =)

kinda hard to criticize a preview

since it doesn't have much stuff. Try cleaning up the look of it some more so it looks organized. Plus try to make the buttons work

Credits & Info

2.00 / 5.00

Mar 8, 2008
6:51 PM EST