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Lolzer's Flash Tutorial

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Lolzer's Flash Tutorial is finally finished and out on newgrounds. This Flash Tutorial is meant to teach the beginners who are still starting in Flash to begin understanding Flash better and to make things harder for you guys. Those who want to copy the code and learn nothing then go to other flash tutorials cause i want the new guys to learn and understand the actionscript. If you have any questions regarding my flashes then please pm me. If there is a problem with the flash then please pm me also so that i could arrange it asap. Also i hope that all the beginners that are still starting in flash learn something from this. This Flash contains beginner tutorials and even tutorials for advanced flash authors too. Thank you and goodbye. Any other news will be added here if this passes :) I hope :)

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I'm sorry.

But their is nothing "advanced" in this tutorial; exempting the "Keeping you shit on Newgrounds" code, which was nice, but besides that, it really wouldn't take much for someone to learn on their own.

Lolzer responds:

Many People found it useful..... Many People get confused on their first try at flash. The aim of this tut was to help them....


how do i make a code work

Lolzer responds:

Right Click A Movie Clip or Button and do actionscript
Then a panel comes up and copy the code to the actionscript panel.
Then go out of the actionscript window and test your flash(CTRL+ENTER)
Hope this helped!
Thx for the review and awesome score :)

really good

this helps a lot but too many text makes this more boring =/

Lolzer responds:

I made the pictures so that the tutorials wouldn't be so boring :)
Thx for the review and great score though :)


very helpful for newbies

Lolzer responds:

Thank you, it was meant to be helpful :)
Thx for the review and the score :)

learn how to use a computer

instead of using a CAMERA to take a picture of your screen, use the print screen button.
cant find it?
Google is your friend.

Lolzer responds:

I see the print screen but it doesn't work. I know how to use the computer well cause i passed all the ECDL Exams :)
Thx for the review though!

Credits & Info

4.24 / 5.00

Mar 21, 2008
4:11 PM EDT