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[SG] WTHShades Joins

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Author Comments

The story of this started when I joined the Clock Crew under the name of TikiShades, just to be a fan. Most people hated me, and thought the Shades Gang was a faggish crew. But AssHatClock decided to join out of pure lolz, and I helped him out. NovaShades turned him down, since his picture had a picture of a penis as a leg. Nova was worried about him spamming. So, in retaliation, this flash was made.

This was created entirely by MrRas (aka AssHatClock and WhatTheHellShades). I just chose to submit it. I also helped him with the registration and gave him the idea of this flash.

Please review. I will respond to all messages.

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Hold on...

Let me get this right, it took two of you to make this?
Nice goin TIKI, why dont you make your own submisions ?

rocky13579 responds:

I helped him create the idea. How about you get the chod out of your ass and think clearly here.

LampShades is co-authored in many of the Shades Gang flashes, since it makes things easier to find. And Asshat was the animator. But this flash would not have been in existence if it weren't for me. So yeah, it was created by two people.

Not bad

Not bad lololololol

rocky13579 responds:

Better than anything you could create you fucking idiot.

For those of you who don't know, this is the guy who records the gayest Newgrounds Rumble battles ever with some recording program in FPS 3.

quite fun.

well asshat is on a roll!

rocky13579 responds:

AssHat is not on a roll. He is on Shades Island. GOD! SUCH INCOMPETENCE! GAAAHAHJKASFH JKASR

So how was your day?


best shades gang whatever ever

rocky13579 responds:

Nah. There's been some that were better. Like... 2. Lol

Check out Axe's raves, and then... uhh... Shades Life. Those were slightly better. Slightly.

Anywho, thanks for the review. I've seen you somewhere, so our paths shall cross once more in our lifetime. But when that time comes... I'll kill you. :3

I can do nothing but Lol.

I can
do nothing
but go lol
after watching

rocky13579 responds:

I understand
how you
feel since I
did the

I also love your correct usage of the Enter Key :P

Credits & Info

3.95 / 5.00

May 3, 2008
11:53 AM EDT