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The Binding of Fenrir

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Hello Newgrounds! This is my first submission, and although the animaiton isn't extremely complex (and by extremely complex I mean just a few tweens), but I hope that you like it anyway. This Flash was done over the course of a week and a half as an extra credit project at school, for both web page design and mythology classes. Its juuuuuust over 5 minutes long, and It tells the story of how the wolf Fenrir was bound underground for all of time until Ragnarok, the end of the gods.

I like reviews like fat kids like butter, so please leave a review as long as you dont flame me TOO bad.


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That was awsome

I never knew history could be so intresting. nice one. a little outta sinc, but a great movie none the less. Keep up the good work.


charyoshi responds:

Yeah, i know. I didnt either. Sorry about the syncing issues, i tried but the sound changed when i uploaded the full version. I plan to, but getting back in the grove is proving harder than it should be.

yeah yeah, i know -_-

also thanks for the vote and review

Holy Crap...

Sup buddy! Have you seen how many entries this dumb thing has?! A whole 10 people? Who woulda thought! Anyway, congratz on the score! (I bet Tom himself is up to this!)

charyoshi responds:

The score I attribute to my charming personality and writing style, seeing as how i cant synch sound with animation because flash is dum >:/

I also attribute the score to the wonderful users below who OMG!!!!!! XD

*uncontrollable laughing fit* THEY DELETED IT!!!! I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!! *maor lulz*

The ONE bad review of my movie was deleted by the other users of newgrounds XD

anyway, like i was saying earlier, i also attribute my score to the wonderful users who took pity on my movie and gave it a thumbs up, even if it was only a two. The real mindfuck about this isnt the score or even the reviews....People ADDED THIS ON THEIR FAVORITES!!! People! As in plural, as in MORE THAN ONE person added this movie to their fav's!! if this piece of crap was voted this high, i can only get better with practice!

anyway thanks for yet another high score to my movie, kthxbai

Very interesting

I was interested in your Norse mytho story there, aside of your pictures going off beat with your narration and moving abit too fast and the sound being a little too out of tone you still did a great a job there and becasue I stayed interested and I couldn't help faving it I give you 10/10 5/5. :)

charyoshi responds:

:D wow! I never expected anybody to fav this old thing! yeah, i know that the sound is horrifiacally off, but i have no idea how to fix it. either way, it dosen't matter to me. I made this as an extra credit assignment after all. Thank you for your kind words, and I'll be working on how to fix sound synching problems for future flash movies. until then, I'll just have to say thanks again and glad that you enjoyed it! Also, furry FTW!


Reminds me of my world lit. class.
Had to pick one mytho or legend from the ancient world, and I picked the story of Tyr and Fenrir.
Great slideshow on what happend, very informative.

charyoshi responds:

thanks. While working on this, I had austin right next to me, and we used text straight out of the book, so there's no doubt to its authenticity. THIS IS REAL MADE UP SHIT PEOPLE! Also cool that you get to integrate mythology with your english class. anyway, thats all for now and thanks for the review!

yay xD

i liked it just because i love the Norse mythological stories. but yes the pictures were off with the words but it was good :D

charyoshi responds:

:) glad you liked it, and sorry about the words. I'll probably never fix them. After the work that I put into this, I don't really want to fix it. Besides, I don't even know how to. If I did, then there wouldn't be a problem now would there? I kind of like it off key with the rest of the movie, because it shows me where I started from in flash on newgrounds, and If I continue working with flash in the future, I'll look back on it after I complete some better works. Anyway, still glad you liked it and thank you for the high score!

Credits & Info

4.38 / 5.00

Jun 7, 2008
7:46 PM EDT