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Lens Flare

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I made this flash ages ago, but I still think its good enough to share with you guys.
The song Lens Flare was written, sung and animated by me; with the help of my friend Thomas on guitar. We've made a better version of the song since this was done, but I haven't had time to animate it.

And be on the lookout for Solid Snake! He's hiding in the cartoon somewhere!

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This was awesome, and the song made me laugh! So random... By the way, I had the loading problem too, but I found that if you rightclick and say play, it goes anyways. Way to think, 0 people... :/ anyways, this is awesome, too bad the score's down b/c the loading prob.


This file is just 425.7 Kb
I suppose you didn't rendered the full one.
so it doesn't loads for me and same as for the others try to fix that ;)
It sure will be great :)

Huh ?....

Doesn't work , that's a shame ....

hmmmm... it doesnt load for me

kinda weird huh?

Doesn't load.

For me it doesn't work.

Credits & Info

3.12 / 5.00

Jun 19, 2008
2:25 PM EDT