UN always fucking up my day.
It'd be a lot better if you could keep moving while you dropped bombs.
Fly your jet plane across the earth and drop incendiary bombs anywhere on earth.
The bombs are such that they set fire to both land and sea.
Press the arrow keys to move your plane.
Press the space bar to drop the bombs.
If your plane is hit by bullets form the attacking UN plane
your health gets reduced by 5%.
If your health becomes zero or if UN plane hits your plane the game ends.
UN always fucking up my day.
It'd be a lot better if you could keep moving while you dropped bombs.
Take this great idea
And make it good.............
it is a orginal idea but it gets boring very easy if you make another make another take your time and i think you will be golden
Nice idea but it get boring after 30s
could be better
this idea has pottental but this game doesnt. if you made a way to try and shoot down the UN planes and make specific targets on the ground it would be better. and there is one bug. you have to hold down the space bar in order for the bomb to hit the ground