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snake see's S.A.T.C.

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this is my first flash submission. its only about 10 - 15 seconds long, but there was no need to drag it out.


when snake goes to see sex and the city with meryl, something annoying happens...

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First off... This is a good flash, if someone is gonna get pissed off over someone making fun of them, maybe they shouldn't be on newgrounds, it's not like someone will not make fun of someone at one time or another, so either learn to take it like a person, or stop submitting, I found this flash funny, and laughed my ass off, i liked it, but some noobs make comments that are retarded, and should be discarded, just ignore them, they have no idea what it's like making what you made, take pride wether people hated it or not, as for me not submitting flash, i don't submit my flash on this account due to flamers who submit trash and hate the truth. I've tried once, and every artist i made a bad comment about flamed me horribly and voted 0's so i just removed it. I don't mind bad comments about my flash, but if people are low enough to sit there and vote low numbers just because they don't like you is stupid and unfair in my opinnion. So don't say i don't submit anything, because i do. And i know how it feels, but flamers are lame, just ignore them, nice flash by the way Jaye.

ok let me say something.

right, first things first.
good cartoon, and a great idea.

and now for the other thing i was gonna say.
DaRk-NaRaKu and krish nook, you must learn to understand that jayeshepherd93 was angry at emoticrevenge for the insults, and seeing as NEITHER OF YOU have EVER submitted a cartoon, you dont know what its like to be insulted on your voice and/or drawing skills.


jayeshepherd93 responds:

thank you

bloody awsome!

This cartoon is awsome and jaye had a go at emotic revenge cos he was being an asshole by saying the girl had a moose knuckle and snake sounded gay so u guys tht gave it 0 suck nob chops!

give the guy a break

was gonna say this was ok and could turn into something really good...but your reply to "emoticrevenge" made me think woah what a intolarant shit
appart from that its a funny concept and could turn into some great stuff....

jayeshepherd93 responds:

i respect the way you think it is good, but i woud like you to know that it did not mean to be "a intolerent shit". i was just angry that he insulted my drawing skills and voice. sorry if this made you feel uncofortable.

im sure YOU would feel the same in my shoes.

i changed the comment to be more tolerant as i didnt realise how mean it came out, i humbley apoligise and hope this wont put you off my future submissions.


That was...a very short piece of flash.
The gal had a "moose knuckle" (shemale) and Snake sounded gay (high pitched voice).
Plus that guy's nose is HUGE!

jayeshepherd93 responds:

i got 3 things to say to you.
1. dont insult my drawing
2. the guys nose is huge because he's voice is all naselly and the voice has to reflect the character
and 3. dont insult my voice acting

i changed this comment to be more tolerant as i didnt realise how mean it came out, i humbley apoligise and hope this wont put you off my future submissions.

Credits & Info

3.46 / 5.00

Jul 31, 2008
8:56 AM EDT