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road is DANGER!

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Kids! Be cautious, passing road!

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That was pretty cool.

I'm glad i found this flash for it's a lot better then the score indicates,the animation was solid and i really liked that tripped out road too,overall a cool little flash short.


The animation and art are both great... It's pleasant on the eyes and interesting to watch, which already makes it a thousand times better than many other Flashes on Newgrounds.

But it's just too predictable. There's not even a good impact sound when the kid predictably gets hit, but it shouldn't surprise anybody either way.

Man, that lollypop is HUGE!

It's as big as it's own head!
I want that too!


this animation is very good animated. But it is so predictable. you only have to read the titel of it and see the first 5 seconds and you already know what is going to happen at the end. That is the thing what is boring in your animation. the music really fits in the animation.

Nice animation

The animation was well done. Much better than some of the things around here and definitely worth keeping around. The pacing was a bit too slow. You could tell the kid was going to try crossing and get hit really early, then it just dragged on until he does get hit.

I have no clue what the writing says.

Suggestion: Add a 'Play' button at the beginning and a 'Replay' button at the end instead of having it as a continuous loop.

Credits & Info

3.85 / 5.00

Jul 31, 2008
12:20 PM EDT