actually the sky isnt blue, theres a reflection off the water that makes it look blue...
mine not yours :( sorry if someone steals it grrrrrr and you can't skip through lol
actually the sky isnt blue, theres a reflection off the water that makes it look blue...
Worst quiz ever.
PROTIP: If your making something for school, or to test around in flash, DON'T POST IT ON NEWGROUNDS.
Title says all there is to say, asides from this.
blahh to you too
Pwned by greenwisp
nope fucking moron
You know, every once in a while...
Somebody comes along and exposes you in front of all other viewers that would bother to look at the latest review. Today, that person is me. Ladies and gentlemen, audience members and artists of Newgrounds alike, I have with me evidence that would expose this man for the fraud he is! (Dramatic gasps!)
You see, people are saying they like your quiz and that it has potential. However, the only part YOU did was the background! For you see, while I have not yet submitted anything to ?Newgrounds, or made a project of my own, I do have Flash! And as it JUST so happens, the "quiz" in this little piece of work happens to come WITH Flash.
yep came with flash and nobody thought of it lol69