pretty cool idea with some more work this could be a pretty sick game
A game I made to test out some stuff!
pretty cool idea with some more work this could be a pretty sick game
fix all the bugs add better art work and you have yourself a front page game here.
its innacurate: both aiming and innacurate where the balls should go. i shot a ball straight in a hole that was RIGHT next it...instead, it flies to the left in some random direction. its hectic to play...but not TOO bad. i know its a test, but i still must rate accordingly, regardless of first flash, test, beta, etc.
next time make the balls more accurate. and put a point to the game.
I liked the music a lot. But not with the game.
This game looks very familiar to some pool game posted here recently.. is it an update? Anyways, looks okay, plays okay...
Just like real pool, but without all the fun!
Pool is supposed to be cool, like Paul Newman cool, like Mick Jagger cool, and without making any good/bad judgement, the music was certainly not that. The pool table was too small to be able to accurately make your cuts. There was no opponent, ergo nothing to hold one's interest. It's more a widget than a game.
For a widget, the design is nice, with the textures. Certainly, the style is consistent with the music. I just don't know if hipster art + computer game adds anything to pool; at least it doesn't for me.
The programming is faultless. Although I take exception with not being able to adjust the shot while setting the power. It's much easier to see your line with the cue further away, and it would be nice to be able to adjust the angle at that time. The two step shooting process was a little unnatural.
Well I think the game is SEXYYYYYYYYYYY!