This game is great. A funny, quick breath of fresh air. You have done a great job, and i'd love if you made another.
Yea, I've finally decided to move on down to NG.
This game is great. A funny, quick breath of fresh air. You have done a great job, and i'd love if you made another.
MAybe some time in the far off future, or maybe yesterday.
your a confused telephone.... nice game...
No, YOU"RE an confused telephone. The lovely colours thank you for the review.
Got 2029 score
My concerns are that there is no possibility to change lvl and you only have one life except from that good job
No, but how would the levels taste? That's the problem. On life is all you need to get ranked. By the pie.
YOU'RE a suicidal glass of water. So there!
Fun. Not quite sure what to say. I've got about 2 hours of sleep, so no music seems like a plus right now. I like how it sorta gets trickier the longer you play even just due to your own actions. For example, if you start hitting the gravity well thingies from above to give yourself extra time to get to the ball, then they gradually move towards the bottom of the screen, causing the ball to catapult past them at high rates of speed later on. Neato. Also frustrating. Can't wait to see what's above deformed pencil, and I have yet to see anything below 'half a soap,' although I'm holding out hope for a new one for zero points.
Half a soap is the lowest. Above defomed pencil, (my fave) is cubist robot party. Thanks, and I never really intended to have any complex strategies. Soap.
The game needs...
some time for the player to get ready. Also, It needs basic info. on how to use the control. Anyhow, decent game........vp
Yep, next time i'll have controllables.