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Space Cross

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This is a game in which you have to traverse space in order to gatherresearch, choose your space craft and tavel across space in aid of world domination.

Second one to follow with be were you actually dominate the world, after gathering your research in the first.

I am planning to make a sequel to this in which you can shoot, pick your side e.g. humans aliens etc. and it is most probably going to be a top down view. Any comments on how I could do the second would be appreciated. Thanks

Credit to Anthony for most of programming and outline etc.

*EDIT* This is my first ever game.

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shit but not too shit

ok ok, this game seems to be game so for this you get 2 stars. But it is still shit. And no excuse, that it is your first blabla. Dont put shit on newgrounds, newgrounds is elite, first train your skillz by making 100 games and even after that only put a game on newgrounds which is really outstanding, did you understand me!?

it isnt bad

Like that other guy said. Add sound effects or music. and change the start from the begining thing. Other than that, its a decent colorful game.

Ruthar responds:

Thank you, those changes will definitly be made. : )

Not bad...

It was a good idea, but it really needed sound: music, engines etc.
Also, it's a little annoying that if you mess up you always go back to the first level.
Other than that, I enjoyed the game.

Ruthar responds:

Thanks, I am going to try and make the game so that you don't go back to the beginning but instead you just have to re start the level youo were on. This has been a common thing that people have said.

The reason there is no music on the game is due to it going onto a college websitte and I asked if I could include music but they siaid they did not want music on it.

Not All That Interesting.

This is probably your first game, and for what it's worth, it wasn't all that interesting. It's basically a puzzle game where you have to clear a stage in the fastest time possible. It loses its intrique after awhile.

Ruthar responds:

Yeah, it does say that it is my first game and it is only a 3 level game (very short levels) so its not really a game I made for longevity, lol.

And I would'nt really class this as a puzzle game... there's nothing puzzleing about it, follow the path and aviod straying from it, lol. How is it a puzzle game?

Eh... more frustrating than fun

First of all you need to clean this thing up and make it more legible. sometimes the background and the path become indistinguishable leading to a game over. its like i'm playing operation blind. Work on transitions between levels, background and level design and throw in some pizazz.

Ruthar responds:

The path blending into the path is purpose done it is supposed to suggest to the player that they have gone the wrong way and maybe they should try anouther route.

In the second revision or the sequel to this game I do plan on incorporating items; maybe a small boost in speed similar to the Muchrooms in Super Mario cart, or an item which allows you to fly off the path way for say 5 second.

Thanks for the... critism (lol). I do plan on brushing up some of the sprites and maybe rotoscoping voer the satelite as well so it looks cleaner and not pixelated.

Credits & Info

2.00 / 5.00

Dec 5, 2008
1:12 PM EST