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This has been in on the back-bence for six months, I hadn't had the time to launch it before but now I thought you all might aswell Check it out. It's name is kinda a bit out of place but I was inspired to choose it due to a movie i watched involving bending bullets, 'cough' fairly obvious what movie i speek of. Cannon Ball madness would of been a better choice but enjoy anyways lol.


Guide your cannon ball through all the rings in a single shot then hit the goal by steering with the arrow keys and bouncing off objects, many objects are moveable and rotatable using the mouse to move and holding down space & click aslo held down but pressed secondly to rotate. If you steer your cannon ball directly into a fan you can pass through it, thus the term fight the fans current on a few levels ( this is important to success, use fans wisely to direct your cannon ball to angles and positions only achived by use of the fans.) First few levels are tutes to explain the basics.


Space + Click held down, to rotate your cannon and other objects while mouse is on of them.
Left & Right arrow keys steer your bullet in mid-air.

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Can't rotate anything.

This game looks fun, but I can't get past the second level because I can't rotate anything. I hold the space and click at the same time as indicated by your comments above but nothing will rotate.

Maybe it's because I'm using a mac and safari. I dunno. Looks fun though.

Pretty hard

Nice idea, but nothing to exciting, plus its pretty hard to play, got through a couple levels then got bored.

Great idea but...

hard to play once you got further into the game. Make the level move dynamic and the bullet make tigher turns. ;~)

What a stupid idea

Impossible to play and steer the 'bullet

Idiotic level design

and poor thought process during production


Great game, a bit hard at first.

Credits & Info

1.44 / 5.00

Dec 17, 2008
11:20 AM EST