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Edit: Ok well since people said add more levels i updated it Alittle theres another level and i will work on a couple more my goal is to have 10 at least tanks for reviewing

Edit: Ok Now it goes back to the preloader when you win.

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Needs some work

Animation/Graphics - The drawings/pictures that you used were pretty good. The only thing that I can recommend to make this any better would be to add actual animation to the cat instead of just a moving picture. Perhaps something like an walking legs, etc...

The animation of the moving walls that you had could have been done just a little bit better. I think you should have drawn them a little off of the screen in addition to what you did draw so they looked like they were attached to something instead of just floating in the air.

The one wall in the first level I could go right through on the way back. This made it really easy. :p

Story/Content - The first level was pretty easy. I got through the first time without dying. The second level gave me a problem a couple of time, but I eventually figured it out and when I did it was also really easy. Perhaps adding a level where enemies follow you around or something like that. It needs to be a little harder in my opinion.

When I collected everything in the second level it just ended there. What was I suppose to do? I could just move around until I died.

Audio - I don't remember hearing any audio. I think that you could have added some nice background music and a sound effect when you succeeded/failed in a level or when you collected something.

Overall - It needs a couple of things worked out on it and needs to have much more added to it.

fallensoul289 responds:

yes thank you for the review i did intend of doing many levels like this which i probaly should because of there simplicity but you are right but this was my first game i had ever made


its really fun and addicting

fallensoul289 responds:

really? wow i didnt think anyone wouldl ike thanks for the review

10 stars

10 stars because its your first flash and it was for school

fallensoul289 responds:

thanks man this is the first 10 i have i just recently submitted another game that has like 2 levels but i had alot of actionscripting in so check it out review it tell me what u think


I thought it was pretty good.Can't wait to see "the CatBurglerII". I like ANY-THING that has a theifguild-kind-of-theme,sooo... keep it up!

fallensoul289 responds:

thanks man that really helps i have another level done but its on a diffrent fla so i need to splice it in the other one

not bad...

im giving it a six because its your first games so i went easy
-the 1 level is a definite draw back but i dont think it was as horrible as every1 says
-i actually liked the story the catburgler just because its something new
-the saws i liked because they were easy enough for me to beat in my first try but they still forced me to slow down
-i also enjoyed the hole that you cant get through in the wall when you get the 4 keys
overall its a great concept that you will be able to revisit and make better
and not all comments are bad so chill

fallensoul289 responds:

thanks much appricated i have another level but i dont knopw how to splice it into the fla file

Credits & Info

2.77 / 5.00

Jan 6, 2009
10:23 AM EST