Hmm to easy.
You play as Pac Man. Use th mouse to avoid the Blinkeys falling from the top of the screen. There are 4 levels and 1 boss level in all! Beat the game to unlock the secret level!
Nearly 3 weeks to make, I'm finally done! I hope you enjoy!
Hmm to easy.
plenty of things should have been added like a score board,also something 2 tell u how many lifes u got.i like how u use a preloader bar so u will no when da level is done,also nice touch with da music!!!
Thanks for using my song!
No prob! It was a really cool song!
quite fun
I really enjoyed it actually, i didnt make it to the bonus level but it was fun!
Thanks. Wow,, the reeviews have been pretty good! :D
fun stuff
a standard game but very cool for some reason... i liked it alot
Thanks. Maybe ecause mine has levels... I dunno