Nice game
1)More levels
2)Add some more custom things
3)Take off "meet another girl" random color effect, for eyes health please.
You have 3 dates and you really want to impress them with your new customized jeep! Pimp up your jeep and then get ready to hit the road. Each track requires a different customization, so make sure you try a few different things. Play Offroad Transporter now and get your jeep pimped!
Mouse - used to customize your ride
Up Arrow - Accelerate (while on road)
Down Arrow - Brake (while on road)
Certain customizations will affect how fast your jeep can go.
Watch out for speed limit notifications in the message that each girl sends.
Extra weight on your jeep will cause it to go slower.
I hope you guys enjoy it!
Nice game
1)More levels
2)Add some more custom things
3)Take off "meet another girl" random color effect, for eyes health please.
this sux
good music and customization choices, but the driving is not fun since there is no steering, it's not really offroad, even though it says it will be in the title, and the only control is accellerate. Not to mention, who wants to date some bitch that will leave if you're like 5 seconds late for the date. If your racing your ass off for some chick like that your totally whipped.