It was Fantastic.
Parts of it were rough, but I really like the way you drew the hand.
Good job.
a new way to paint!
It was Fantastic.
Parts of it were rough, but I really like the way you drew the hand.
Good job.
i will now tell you how bad this sucks
its sucks my mexizn monkey from spain [who really is a girl but had a sexchange and eats my dead gay uncle's mother fucking son] dick!
Uh, yeah.
It isnt hard to make fun of goth/emo/wrist cutting kids, but jesus, you didn't even try here.
What. The crap. Ever.
Not sure what to say. I'll be frank. It was short, sort of to the point, the artistic value of it seemed to be lacking, but you certainly seemed to have some abstract ideas for what art should be. I credit you on that.
not bad, but too short...