One of my favorite series on here
Go! Go! Parody Rangers: THE MOVIE - Part 2 "Planet Buut2dahed"
[Runtime: 20 Minutes]
Evan Splooge's sinister plot has been set into motion as the citizens of Angel Grove are put under his vulgar mind control! Our heroes must reunite and venture out on another quest to upgrade their currently craptastic powers. But they'll have to be fast, with Zordon rapidly fading away, Splooge's secret weapons in the works and even the former supervillains can't stop him, our ragtag bunch of morons may be our only hope!
This film is NOT for kids and contains plenty of innapropriate (not to mention, immature) humor. If this sort of thing isn't up your alley or if you are offended by such content in any way, please feel free to give it a pass. Otherwise, to the fans who've followed along with Parody Rangers previously, I hope you enjoy it for what it is and have some fun!
One of my favorite series on here
Good stuff
Ok so here I would like to give you some cheers on a job well-done you deserve it and more, so as with this entry you have done very well, there could be some small changes but overall its pretty decent. I really like the characters and use of color here, and the "VOICES" really bring this alove, so props to you on a nice piece of work here Anyways hope it helps as this was actually a pretty good flash submission, There could be some small changes but overall this is a decent entry you have here.
So I hope I can help out abit here, But the onlything I can see you changing up would be to ad some subtitles.
That cat girl is hot
Meat FUCKED an Owl
All the Kingdom Hearts music