this is a pretty decent button game :D
On the letter guessing game, it's broken. Don't know how, but just right click the game and press "forward".
[EDIT] removed the letter that stays.
After a relatively short time in the making, it's finally here; you haven't been waiting for it... yet another tribute to the big red button! Unlike the others cluttering the web, mine is longer, has random movements and soon I may be making more. There are a few games throughout, just a few that I have put together, and it interacts well with the user. I do hope you enjoy it. Thanks for playing!
this is a pretty decent button game :D
I set something on fire!!
The blobby button is so cool at games! He allowed me to make a story and set stuff on fire and all of that! This is so better than the other button games!
Not to be a douche bag but this is kinda stupid. Maybe try improving your flash skills then try again. I'd like to see where you turn out. Message me and we can do a project together. I need to get a new pallet tho. Anyway this could improve.
that button is stupid.
I put in for name I'm a mother fu**** and it said well i'm a mother fu****. !!!!!!! too funny three thumbs up (by the way i'm an alien and i like pee nuts butt turd. or what you earthlings call peanut butter. by the way it dosen't taste like butter. OMG I'ts calacnar our leder (not leader) he w1ll de5tr0y m3 1f 1 d0n't g0 *choking sound* *lazers* oweee that hurt. *what are you doing jsdjkhEABHjdjhvkjnhjh Ah crap *killing sound* byeeee *dead* haha you watched me die, loser!
Loved it~
I liked how it knew my name! X3
Mad libs oh what now!
I loved this, it's one of my faves, just as good as big red~