that was weird
Smoked is a game that use a new tecnology for the calculation of the fluids in the air.
Its very simple and probably someone will say that its boring.
Off course its not a normal game, is more like a tech demo, just to show you guys that with flash is possible to simulate fluids very good. :)
In this game you have an amount of smoke and with this smoke you have to fill a room,
when all the room will be filled at 100% you will pass to the next level.
Every leel you pass, your smoking power goes down.
When you lose your Level is sent to a leaderboard that show who was the best.
Click on the black room to smoke it.
To win you have to smoke the 100% of the room in 60 seconds.
that was weird
What's the point of playing this if every round is the same?
? _ ?
Too simple and repetitive. Nice idea though
its repetitive, and the fluids...
the fluids, im not sure they work so good... i can fill the room with one click, dragging the mouse on the top of the room, so the room gonna fill always... im not sure thats the way fluids works....
but you've can make a better work, with a better gameplay, using fluids on it.
Easy but boring u_U
is so fast and if you lost you will play from level 1