this not replay the video i shit of the video
Wow, daily 3rd, I'm happy that you like it so much :)
This is a silly little animation I made while I was a part of a SigWorm making community... 5 years ago, in 2002...
Our Worm friend finds a pet he always wanted! Or not? Watch and see...
this not replay the video i shit of the video
What sort of human being would make a poor, innocent lamb explode on flash! JERK!
not interesting maybe you could make the screen 1CMx1CM we'ed get the same glorious movie just much smaller so we don't fall asleep but are like WTF IS GOIN ON????????? crap right now if u ask me and since u didn't well w/e. hahaha
The fact that it was daily 3rd means people liked it...
Anyways, at the time I was the part of a SigWorm making community on the internet and I made a bunch of them, I wanted to make this one in flash also and so I did... time say something intelligent instead of flaming...
not too good...
next time re-create a whole worms game in flash!
that'd rock
That was some of the most LCD influenced shit I've seen in a while. Funny as fuck.