Dosn't work at all.
I am truly proud of this one for the hours that were put into it!
It is a new technique that I am using (also used in my game Glide (but better))
Do the tutorial so you can learn how to play
Dosn't work at all.
Work on the bugs :/
I really liked the physics of the blob. Worked very well, and that's a pretty good idea for an attack too, but you need to work on
a) The graphics
With the graphics it's way too obvious where you put effort and where you just couldn't be bothered, so spend more time on them.
And with the bugs, a lot of them were game breaking, so that obviously needs fixing.
I look forward to seeing you progress with this. ;D
cant play level 1 it either doesnt spawn me or i glitch all around map laging my computer badly
and it be nice if it would have a better physic''s effect because like youd be on a hill and you don't roll down aleast a bit..
very Laggy and not too fun
It laggs way too much. also found it annoying how you can't attack while moveing because sometimes you'd be rolling while guys are comeing at you but you can't turn backwards fast enough.
you can attack in any direction
Not bad
It has it's share of VERY noticeable and unavoidable bugs, but if you fix them, it would be a pretty good game, so I'll give you a 6 for now.