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Tennis Simulation Game

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This game is basically a fun pong clone.

A simple design allows for casual gameplay with either one player against a computer controlled opponent, or two players, using the same computer.

An additional challenge gameplay mode allows the player to earn points for surviving as long as possible against a super hard computer opponent, extending the traditional gameplay provided by the original 'Pong'.

To keep the ball away from the wall behind you, and to knock it into the wall behind your opponent.

You can achieve this by moving your paddle to block the path of the ball and bounce it back to the other player, until one player scores.

P - Pause
Left - Player 1 Move Left
Right - Player 1 Move Right
A - Player 2 Move Left
D - Player 2 Move Right

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It could have been better.

This is a pong game with a ramped-up difficulty. That's about all.

Firstly, there was no sound. IMO, this game would have been so much better with an upbeat song accompanying the game.

The lack of color was also a slight turn-off. A simple gradient-background would suffice.

One more thing that I noticed: the position of the paddle didn't seem to effect the path of the ball. It didn't seem to matter whether the ball was hit from the left side, middle, or right side of the paddle. The ball traveled in one fixed path, no matter what.

Overall, as I have already stated, it's just a simple pong game with a higher difficulty.

KJWoody responds:

Thanks for your comments. I'll remember to use sound in my future games, and you're right about how the ball isn't affected by the paddle. Instead, when the ball bounces, it's speed is randomly adjusted to bounce in a new direction.

Nice try

Wasn't bad for a clone, there are worse.
Was there any sound? I couldn't hear any...
& maybe add colours sprang to mind almost immediately when playing it. I played to matches before I got bored.

Also, There seems to be an annoying problem. At the start (kick off start) it always shoots it really fast into my corner, where my paddle can't get to in time. This makes me annoyed as it means I can't achieve flawless victories like I should. It's quite annoying to concede a point less than a second after clicking play...

Other than that, a nice pong clone, especially for your first game on Newgrounds...

KJWoody responds:

Thanks for the pointers. No, there wasn't any sound and I agree with the countdown, which I admit I forgot about completely. The game's generally quite inconsistent, because I made it in a few spare minutes every other week over the course of about two years...

Not the best way to develop a game, but I thought the result was good enough to put on here and see what people think. Thanks for your review.

Seen Better.

Yeah it's there... but it's really bleak and unoriginal. There are better versions of this, plus a million more bad ones.
Maybe if you add some colour aswell. It kept me interested for about two minutes.

KJWoody responds:

Applying colour didn't really occur to me, I just stuck with the black and white of the original...

Thank you for the comment. :)


It's an alright game.. Very unorignal... I give you a 4 for actually trying to make a nice game. I can see that this is your first game on newgrounds.. I also like the different challenges... Finally, I KNOW were you got those mac buttons.

http://www.flashbuttons.com/basicForm .php?buttonName=MacOS

KJWoody responds:

Nope, they are component buttons that are part of the common libraries in Flash MX. I think you can get them in newer versions of Flash, under classic buttons in the Buttons common library. They are 'pill button's and I also used 'arcade button's to sellect one and two player.

Thanks for your feedback anyway! :P

Credits & Info

2.50 / 5.00

Apr 20, 2009
12:18 PM EDT