you now swine flu hav nothing with pigs to do?
I got bored today, so I made this simple animation based on the UK government's Catch it. Bin it. Kill it. campaign.
Remember, catch your coughs and sneezes in a tissue, bin the tissue and wash your hands. For more information, see the governement department of health: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/i ndex.htm
(Note: I am in no way affiliated with the government or the department of health, and am not a swine flu expert. I just felt like doing something good for a change :D)
you now swine flu hav nothing with pigs to do?
Yes, I'm aware that swine flu isn't transmitted by pigs, if that's what you mean. The recent outbreak was caused by a new strain of subtype H1N1, not by coughing pigs.
I just thought it would be cool to have a cute little pig hop a long in the dessert and cough.. =P
simply put awesome...I want to kill pigs that cough now...XD
Don't we all... :P
simple and effective!
It does the job and its a job that should be done :)
Thanks :)
Swine flu
Swine flu is another food scare like avian influenza or mad cow or killer bees. Why is all over the news? Because you're scared and stupid enough to let it distract you from our tanking economy.
If you're going to speak up, be prepared to discuss.
:o It's just a simple animation... Not a political movement. :P
Nice idea to get it to younger people, cause it is quite dangerous, but you gotta wash yo hands!
Try add on like some1 washing their hands :D
ill give you 10/10
Thanks, I just wanted it to be simple, and to let people know :D