I like the music and the concept is cool but what I didn't like was that every time you died, it started from the very very beginning and that was kinda annoying but still good.
This is a point-and-click adventure, somewhat inspired by The 7th Guest.. In each level, you have a choice between 3 doors. If you choose the wrong door, you die. You cease to exist. Game over.
Click on Sparky in the bottom left corner for a hint.
I like the music and the concept is cool but what I didn't like was that every time you died, it started from the very very beginning and that was kinda annoying but still good.
tons of fun
the greatest game in the world u jcc kids knw wut ur doing HI Ethan Strope Love Ya
Nice Game And A Game Tip
Nice Game!! Here's a little tip: Sparky's sentence has a clue every room, (if you put your cursor into him) you have to figure it out for your selves which door is the correct one this game has a mix of horror and riddles
Nice game, the music gave the game the right mysterious atmosphere, the hint system is nice too but i would be glad if I get to die differently instead of the same old rabid beast killing me every time,the ending scared me btw. Any way good game hope to see more from you=)
Great artwork.
But why are there only 2 doors after the ice caves? I can't win if I choose alley or safe door. WTF MAN.
Cheer UP man :)