Pretty good
Actually i liked the game relly much cause it gets really challenging after the first few rounds. You always have to decide whether it is save to move quickly to the next plane directlyt to get the maximum of points or if one of your replicates might cross your way. Especially when you are close to the number of points you need to finish the level and there are like 100000 replicates flying aroound but you only need one good planet to win it is really funny to play. Chaoz Fantasy matched the space ambiance very good and it is a kick ass song anyway so the music was really nice and the graphics were decently.
The only thing that kinda annoyed me was, that you didn't really have the time to read the text messages during the game because to pause would mean to lose points and you wouldn't want that to happen! Normally this wouldn't be such a big deal but since they explain the game and they are the only thing that explains you what is going on it was kind of a problem for me to see why suddenly some of the replicates disapeared.
Anyway pretty good game so 4/5 and 9/10