pretty funny
pretty good, the start thing was excellent, but it got really weird...
but i LIKED IT!
What if your grandma was a mutant?
pretty funny
pretty good, the start thing was excellent, but it got really weird...
but i LIKED IT!
Menu good, plot...huh?, ending... ok.
Ok I was really starting to enjoy your piece of work until the end. It was WAY WAY to short. You probably got done with the grandma in a day, then said screw it I'm done with this and shut it down with the dinophin. I had to watch it twice to get humor out of the dinosaur/dolphin, but it lasted what... half a second?
Advice for the 10/10: Make it at least 1 minute and 30 seconds, and some sort of plot. Maybe make the Grandma attack little boys and girls, or go along with the Hansel & Gretel theme. There was a great transition between the grandma and grandma/mutant in the silhouettes, but right after that, you disappointed me. Beef up your ending/replay menu to match the 'moderness' of your beginning menu. And most importantly: DON'T GIVE UP, because even I think this flash is going somewhere....GJ 5/10
ignora a los que te dan 0, son giles sin nada qe hacer :3... el flash esta muy weno, sobretodo el preloader maldito xD... buen trabajo
la ultima parte es flipante xD
que manera de reirme con la vieja, negro xD
I see the attempt at humor but I find none.
The build up was nice, but the climax fell flat for me.
The graphics and animation were good, but the humor didnt cut it.