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Megaman X: Time Troubles

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Edit: I'm sorry if it didn't work before. It took me some time but it works now.

It took me a few days to get everything needed and I feel that it's pretty good for my first flash movie. But if it turns out to suck, go easy on me.

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It's alright

This was pretty good! I liked the dialouge and such: it's rather comical XD- maybe if it were more zoomed in an higher framerate it would've had a better impression

i like it but

theres some things i notice 1 thing this page is not sopposed 2 be huge another i cant read tht fast wat r u a bookworm?

that rocked!

i liked how you set ot right before megaman x4 and sigma kept complaining about new bodys and how hard they are to make well heres what i say....sigma if you just stay dead you wont need new bodys!


yeah. Much room for improvement, but one of the best "firsts" i've ever seen. The text required my speed reading skills, probably got a lot of complaints. Not so bad, keep it up


That was the lamest peice of shit i have ever seen!!

Credits & Info

3.90 / 5.00

Apr 9, 2002
1:18 AM EDT