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Father O'Malley - Part 3

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Father O'Malley has defeated the Zombie Lord, and forestalled the apocalypse. But now he must escape from the Crypts of Na'uta before they are consumed in a fiery sea of destruction. Drained from his battle with the Zombie Lord, Father O'Malley must struggle to the surface with his last ounces of strength.

(This is a truly absurd game that got less development time than it deserved -- but I think it's probably still good for a chuckle and a few minutes of fun. It was also a first experiment with the Flixel engine: http://flixel.org/)

By the way, for anyone who might be wondering: you didn't miss parts 1 and 2 -- in keeping with the entire idea being ridiculous and silly, part 3 is the first game in the O'Malley series.


Use the left and right arrow keys to move, and the up arrow to jump.

Press X to throw a cross (crosses will destroy zombies, naturally).

Touching a zombie will kill Father O'Malley; letting the rising lava touch him will have a similar effect.

Run to the right edge of each level as quickly as possible to avoid the lava and advance to the next level. There are 20 levels in total, with the number of zombies and the rate at which the lava rises increasing in each level.

(Protip: during the second or two when the zombies are climbing out of the ground, they cannot kill you, so it is possible to run through them at the very instant they appear, with a little luck.)

You can control the volume the the + and - keys, and mute with the zero key.

(If the game appears to be ignoring your keystrokes, you might just need to give it an initial click.)

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Ultimately to easy, but it felt nice having two types of hazzards (Zombies and lava) Contstantly trying to kill you.

Why not continue dev. this game?

I understand this is kind of a prototype, so yeah, I think you made your point, you should continue dev, at least in my opinion. Just make sure in the final game you fix those (which I'm sure you are aware of most of them):

First thing first, too much ads. Your really shooting yourself in the right foot with a shotgun! Ridiculous ad between restarts.. that's just silly.

This "get out of the crypt" part should be max 3 levels. 20 level with 2 or 3 variables incrementing isn`t really good to entertain people... gameplay is already repetitive from the start, so don`t over do it!

of course everything should be more: more ennemy types, better tiles, gameplay should be more polished.

Crosses: Should be trown with a fixed speed value PLUS the character speed. Because right now you can have a cloud (litterally) of crosses following you while you run. A maximum of onscreen crosses should be implemented too, like in most games.

powerups? crosses reserve and a way to replenish them? anyway, it`s a good start!

Good stuff!

A bit more generous

I do agree with the kind fellow before me and he pretty much summed up every idea i could throw out as well, it wasn't a bad game but got pretty old quick, along side it was truly not that difficult. But as a quick note to NewGroundsReviewers I believe the glitch is maybe something only with your computer or something to do with your flash, after reading i attempted this glitch and time and time again i failed to do so, but other than that keep going with your reviews because good reviews is something new grounds lack anyways back to the game, it was mildly entertaining for how simplistic it was but as the man below me said it could be better good luck with your future projects


I really try to give games the benefit of the doubt, but this was not very good. If it is truly your first time then ok, but then again it still needs improvements. I kept dieing when I ran to the left at the very beginning of the level. Not sure if that was your intention as a poor joke or just a glitch. First time I did it he jumped all the way into the air and then fell into the lava or the floor. The other times he just kept disappearing. The lava was no where near touching him either.

I wanted to try it on the other levels and see if I got the same result, but your leader board kept clicking up and no matter how many times I kept clicking no, it felt it had to ask each and every time. Very annoying. Please do not make games like that again with that leader board.

Also I went searching for parts 1 and 2 before I read your preview of it. I do this in order not to ruin the game for me. However, in your infinite wisdom you decided to just name it part 3 as a joke... which was not very good.

However, after saying all this I do have to say that if you really did try and if you really do have the talent, I bet you could actually make a good game with the plot etc., except this time from the beginning of the story. It sort of felt like Kid Icarus or Castlevania with you only being able to shoot and it being crosses and all. Of course you would have to change the amount of crosses you can throw at one time or even make a limit you can carry on you with refills along the way. Of course you would need some kind of close quarters weapon though... not really sure what he would use, hopefully not a whip. Perhaps a sword or a mace... And different kinds of enemies and not every level... actually maybe only one level have to do with lava flowing up.

Anyway, first time attempt to see what the game engine can do, alright, so I gave you an alright score. I hope to see better next time from you. Good luck.

Too easy for my taste

But still the game was awesome

Credits & Info

3.25 / 5.00

Jul 1, 2009
9:46 PM EDT